A PowerPoint lesson, activities, videos, trivia, parent letter, social posts and graphics, and more to make students aware of the importance of sun safety.
Minions Video
The video demonstrates proper techniques for protecting oneself from the sun’s harmful rays. In order for the video to play, please be sure to download it from our site at the same time you download the PowerPoint lesson.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
- Summer Camps
Target Demographics:
- Youth
School Facebook and Twitter Social Media Graphic(1200x600)
Ready-to-use Facebook and Twitter social media image.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
Target Demographics:
- Youth
School Facebook and Twitter Social Media Graphic(1200x600)
Ready-to-use Facebook and Twitter social media image.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
Target Demographics:
- Youth
School Instagram Media Graphic(1080x1080)
Ready-to-use Instagram social media image.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
Target Demographics:
- Youth
School Instagram Social Media Graphic(1080x1080)
Ready-to-use Instagram social media image.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
Target Demographics:
- Youth
School Social Media Posts
Ready-to-use social media content, including copy and images that educators and parents can share to encourage sun safe behaviors.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
Target Demographics:
- Youth
Sun-Safety Trivia
While the Sun-Smart Program lesson does contain a few trivia questions, a full list of supplemental questions pertaining to sun safety, facts about Delaware, protecting children from UV rays, and skin cancer are provided.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
Target Demographics:
- Youth
Sun-Smart Video
The PowerPoint lesson is full of fun facts, trivia, and notes to inform students of the dangers that sun exposure poses to their health.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
Target Demographics:
- Youth
Sun-Smart Trivia
We offer a full list of trivia questions pertaining to sun safety, facts about Delaware, protecting kids, and skin cancer. These trivia questions are great for all ages as a supplemental activity to increase and reinforce the importance of sun-safe behaviors.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
- Summer Camps
Target Demographics:
- Youth
Sun-Smart Activities
Additional activities, such as a word find and some outdoor measurement techniques, can be downloaded and used to reinforce the Sun-Smart program.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
- Summer Camps
Target Demographics:
- Youth
Sun-Smart Lesson
The PowerPoint lesson is full of fun facts, trivia, and notes to inform students of the dangers that sun exposure poses to their health.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
- Summer Camps
Target Demographics:
- Youth
Sun-Smart Student Survey
Teachers should begin and end the lesson with the student survey. Please ask these two questions a few days prior to giving the lesson, and then again after the lesson is completed.
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
Target Demographics:
- Youth
Teacher Post Survey
These online surveys will help us measure the impact our program has on each person who participates in it. Teachers, please be sure to test your own knowledge by taking the survey before presenting the Sun-Smart program to students!
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
Target Demographics:
- Youth
Teacher Pre Survey
These online surveys will help us measure the impact our program has on each person who participates in it. Teachers, please be sure to test your own knowledge by taking the survey before presenting the Sun-Smart program to students!
Last updated:
- English
Partner Types:
- Schools
Target Demographics:
- Youth